しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「The Power of Now」その14。「自分の思考を止められない」という病が、あなたを「大いなる存在」から遠ざけている。 “The Power of Now” No.14――The disease that “you cannot stop thinking” keeps you away from Being.




Eckhart Tolle, who is called “the most spiritually influential person in the world,” gives us commentaries on how to be able to realize Being――more to come both in English and in Japanese.




I am still not quite sure if I truly understand what you mean by Being.

問い 「大いなる存在」が、いったいなんなのか、まだよくわからないんですが・・・



“Water? What do you mean by that? I don’t understand it.” That is what a fish would say if it had a human mind. Please stop trying to understand Being. You have already had significant glimpse of Being, but the mind will always try to squeeze it into a little box and then put a label on it. It cannot be done. It cannot become an object of knowledge. In Being, subject and object merge into one.

答え 「ええっ、水?それっていったいなーに?よくわかりません!」魚が人間の頭脳を持っていたら、きっとこんなセリフになったでしょう。一度でも、「大いなる存在」をかいま見るという体験をしたことがあるなら、「大いなる存在」を理解しようとするのはやめましょう。思考はなんでもかんでも、小さな箱に押しこんで、それにラベルを貼りたがりますが、「大いなる存在」に同じことをしようとするのは、むなしい努力です。「大いなる存在」は人間の知的活動の範疇に収まるものではありません。「大いなる存在」は、主体と客体がひとつに溶け合ったものだからです。



Being can be felt as the ever-present I am that is beyond name and form. To feel and thus to know that you are and to abide in that deeply rooted state is enlightenment, is the truth that Jesus says will make you free.




Free from what?

問い 「なに」から完全に自由になれるのですか?



Free from the illusion that you are nothing more than your physical body and your mind. The “illusion of the self,” as the Buddha calls it, is the core error. Free from fear in its countless disguises as the inevitable consequence of that illusion――the fear that is your constant tormentor as long as you derive your sense of self only from this ephemeral and vulnerable form. And free from sin, which is the suffering you unconsciously inflict on yourself and others as long as this illusory sense of self governs what you think, say, and do

答え 「わたしは、肉体と頭脳だけの存在です」、という幻想から自由になれます。ブッダは、この幻想を「幻の自己」と表現しましたが、これがそもそも間違いのはじまりなのです。「幻の自己」を抱くと、数え切れないほどの「仮面」をつけなければならなくなります。すると、「にせのわたし」を演じるハメになり、それを失うのではないか、という「恐れ」を抱くようになります。こういった、にせのアイデンティティにともなう苦痛から解放されます。さらに、「にせのわたし」に基づいて考え、発言し、行動しているかぎり、無意識のうちに、人にも、自分にも痛みを与えてしまいますが、その「罪」からも解放されるのです。



You said that identification with our physical form is part of the illusion, so how can the body, the physical form, bring you to a realization of Being?

問い 物質的なかたちを、「ほんとうの自分」だと思いこむことも、幻想だとおっしゃいましたが、では、どうして物質的なからだによって、「大いなる存在」を認識することができるんでしょう?



The body that you can see and touch cannot take you into Being.But that visible and tangible body is only an outer shell, or rather a limited and distorted perception of a deeper reality.

答え わたしたちは、見たり触ったりできるからだによって、「大いなる存在」を認識するわけではありません。目に見えるからだは「衣」、「虚像」であり、その奥にあるものが実体なんです。



In your natural state of connectedness with Being, this deeper reality can be felt every moment as the invisible inner body, the animating presence within you. So to “inhabit the body” is to feel the body from within, to feel the life inside the body and thereby come to know that you are beyond the outer form.




You are cut off from Being as long as your mind takes up all your attention. When this happens――and it happens continuously for most people――you are not in your body.




The mind absorbs all your consciousness and transforms it into mind stuff. You cannot stop thinking. Compulsive thinking has become a collective disease. Your whole sense of who you are is then derived from mind activity. Your identity, as it is no longer rooted in Being, becomes a vulnerable and ever-needy mental construct, which creates fear as the predominant underlying emotion. The one thing that truly matters is then missing from your life: awareness of your deeper self――your invisible and indestructible reality.




To become conscious of Being, you need to reclaim consciousness from the mind. This is one of the most essential tasks on your spiritual journey. It will free vast amounts of consciousness that previously had been trapped in useless and compulsive thinking.




A very effective way of doing this is simply to take the focus of your attention from thinking and direct it into the body, where Being can be felt in the first instance as the invisible energy field that gives life to what you perceive as the physical body.





The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment








The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment




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