“I’m not religious, but spiritual.” Now, the number of those who claim this is increasing all over the world. Those people are seeking “peace of mind” for true happiness not in doctrines of conventional religions but in spiritual wisdom. Deepak Chopra is zealously supported by those people and many of his books are translated in the countries all over the world――more to come both in English and in Japanese.
Centuries ago the doctrine of one reality occupied center stage in spiritual life. Religions and peoples and traditions varied wildly, but there was universal agreement that the world is a seamless creation imbued with one intelligence, one creative design. Monotheism called the one reality God; India called it Brahman; China called it the Tao.
何世紀も前には、真実の教義が精神世界の中心にありました。宗教も人も伝統も多種多様に存在はしても、世界は一つの英知、一つの創造的デザインによってつくられた共同体であると誰もが思っていたのです。一神論においては、真実は神と呼ばれました。インドではそれをバラモンと呼び、中国ではそれをタオ (道) と呼んでいました。
By any name, every person existed within this infinite intelligence, and whatever we did on our own was part of creator’s grand design. A person didn’t have to become a spiritual seeker to find the one reality, Everybody’s life already fit into it. The creator permeated each particle of creation equally, and the same divine spark animated life in all its forms.
Today we’d call this view mystical because it deals in invisible things.
My FOURTH anthology is going to be published soon.
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