“Having consciousness” makes you leap from the physical world to “the world of awareness”――more to come both in English and in Japanese.
One time at a business conference an executive came up to me demanding a definition of consciousness that was practical and concrete. At first I wanted to reply that consciousness can’t be defined concretely, but I found myself blurting out, “Consciousness is the potential for all creation.”
His face brightened as he suddenly got it. The more consciousness you have, the more potential you have to create. Pure consciousness, because it underlies everything, is pure potential.
You need to ask yourself this question : Do you want to be a victim of the five senses or a co-creator? Here are how the options look.
では、以下について自問自答してみてください。あなたは五感の被害者になりたいのか、それとも共同創造者になりたいのか? 以下の文章はそれぞれの選択肢に関する補足説明です。
On the way to creation
Depending on the five senses : Separation, duality, ego-based, subject to fear, detached from the source, limited in time and space.
Depending on natural law : In control, less subject to fear, taps into natural resources, inventive, understanding, explores the reaches of time and space.
Depending on consciousness : Creative, intimate with natural law, close to the source, boundaries dissolve, intentions turns into results, beyond time and space.
五感によって生きる : 分離、二重性、エゴに基づく恐れ、源からの乖離、時間と空間における制限の数々。
自然の法則によって生きる : 恐れず、落ち着いている。自然の法則を知り、創意に富み、理解力をもち、時間と空間の限界に挑むもの。
意識によって生きる : 創造的で自然の法則と密接に関わっている。源に近い場所にいるため、限界という概念がない。目的をしっかりともち、時間と空間の縛りを超越する。
Awareness is all that changes in the journey from separation to the one reality. When you depend on your five senses, you are aware of the physical world as primary reality. In such a world you must come second because you see yourself as a solid object made up of atoms and molecules. The only role your awareness has is to look upon the world “out there.”
The five senses are extremely deceptive. They tell us that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, that the earth is flat, that an object made of steel couldn’t possibly be held up by air.
The next stage of awareness depends upon laws of nature that are arrived at by thinking and experimenting. The observer is no longer a victim of deception.
Eventually someone has to ask, “Who am I who is doing all this thinking?” That’s the question that leads to pure awareness. For if you empty the brain of all thoughts (as in a state of meditation), awareness turns out not to be empty, void, and passive. Beyond the limits of time and space, one process――and only one――is taking place. Creation is creating itself, using consciousness as its modeling clay.
最終的には、人はこう自問するはずです。「こうしたことを思考している私は誰なのか?」と。それこそが純粋な気づきへとつながる疑問です。すべての思考を手放し、無の状態 (ちょうど瞑想時にように) になったとき、意識は空っぽでも、無でも、受動的でもなくなります。時間と空間の限界を超え、ある、そして唯一のプロセスを進み始めます。意識は何にでもつくり変えることのできる粘土細工へと変わり、あらゆるものを創造し始めます。
Consciousness turns into things in the objective world, into experiences in the subjective world. Break any experience down to its most basic element, and what you get are invisible ripples in the quantum field. There is no difference, and by a stroke of supreme magic, the human brain doesn’t have to stand outside the creative process. Just by paying attention and having a desire, you flip on the switch of creation.
My FOURTH anthology is going to be published soon.
Please pre-order it from Amazon If you are interested in.