しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「エーリッヒ・フロム : 悪について」 その2。要注意! ヒトラーも憑りつかれた「死への愛」 “Erich Fromm: The Heart of Man : Its Genius for Good and Evil” No.2. WARNING. “Love of Death” with which Hitler was also obsessed.


You, too, are likely to be obsessed with “Love of Death = Necrophilia” ――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Literally, “necrophilia” means, “love of the dead”. The term is customarily used to denote a sexual pervasion, namely the desire to possess the dead body (of a woman) for purposes of sexual intercourse, or a morbid desire to be in the presence of a dead body.

ネクロフィリアはもともと”死者を愛する” という意味である。通常、この用語は性的倒錯、具体的には (女性の) 死体を性交のために所有したい、あるいは死体のそばにいたいという病的な願望を意味する。


The person with the necrophilous orientation is one who is attracted to and fascinated by all that is not alive, all that is dead; corpses, decay, feces, dirt. Necrophiles are those who love to talk about sickness, about burials, about death. They come to life precisely when they can talk about death.



A clear example of the pure necrophilous type is Hitler. He was fascinated by destruction, and the smell of death was sweet to him. While in the years of his success it may have appeared that he wanted to destroy only those whom he considered his enemies, the days of the Gӧtterdämmerung at the end showed that his deepest satisfaction lay in witnessing total and absolute destruction; that of the German people, of those around him, and of himself.



A report from the First World War, while not proved, makes good sense: a soldier saw Hitler standing in a trancelike mood, gazing at a decayed corpse and unwilling to move away.



The necrophilous dwell in the past, never in the future. Their feelings are essentially sentimental, that is, they nurse the memory of feelings which they had yesterday――or believe that they had. They are cold, distant, devotee of “law and order.” Their values are precisely the reverse of the values we connect with normal life; not life, but death excites and satisfies them.

ネクロフィリア的な人間は、未来ではなく過去に住んでいる。彼らの感情は基本的には感傷であり、つまり昨日持っていた――持っていたと思っている――感情の記憶を抱き続けている。彼らは冷淡でよそよそしく、”法と秩序” を信奉している。その価値観は、私たちがふつうの生活と結びつける価値観と正反対のものだ。彼らは生ではなく死に興奮し満たされるのである。


Just as for the lover of life the fundamental polarity in man is that between male and female, for the necrophile there exists another and very different polarity; that between those who have the power to kill and those who lack this power. For him there are only two “sexes”; the powerful and the powerless; the killers and the killed. He is in love with the killers and despises those who are killed.

生を愛する人にとって、人間のもっとも根本的な極性は男女の間のものだが、ネクロフィリア的な人間には、別のまったく違う極性が存在する。それは殺す能力を持つ者と持たない者だ。その人にとっては二つの “性別” しか存在しない。強い力を持つ者と持たない者。殺す者と殺される者。ネクロフィリア的な人間は殺す者を愛し、殺される者を見下す。


While life is characterized by growth in a structured, functional manner, the necrophilous person loves all that does not grow, all that is mechanical. The necrophilous person is driven by the desire to transform the organic into the inorganic, to approach life mechanically, as if all living persons were things.



He is essentially oriented to the past, not to the future which he hates and is afraid of. Related to this is his craving for certainty. But life is never certain, never predictable, never controllable; in order to make life controllable it must be transformed into death; death. Indeed, is the only certainty in life.




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