しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「エーリッヒ・フロム : 悪について」 その3。私たちの「生への無関心」が核戦争を招き寄せる? “Erich Fromm: The Heart of Man : Its Genius for Good and Evil” No.3. Does our “indifference to life” induce nuclear war?


The more we become indifferent to life, the closer we get to nuclear war ――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Why is it that in spite of all this, preparations continue to be made for nuclear war without any more widespread protest than that which exists? How are we to understand why not more people with children and grandchildren do not stand up and protest? Why is it that people who have much to live for, or so it would seem, are soberly considering the destruction of all?



There are many answers, yet none of them gives a satisfactory explanation unless we include the following: that people are not afraid of total destruction because they do not love life; or because they are indifferent to life, or even because many are attracted to death.



Our approach to life today becomes increasingly mechanical. Our main aim is to produce things, and in the process of this idolatry of things we transform ourselves into commodities. People are treated as numbers. The question here is not whether they are treated nicely and are well fed (things, too, can be treated nicely); the question is whether people are things or living beings.

現在、私たちの生への接し方はしだいに機械的になってきている。私たちの主な目的はモノをつくることであり、物質を崇拝する過程で自分たちも商品へと変わっていく。人は数字として扱われる。ここでの問題は、それらが大事にされ、十分に食べさせてもらえているかどうかということではない (モノも大事にされることはある)。問題は、人間はモノか生物かということである。


People love mechanical gadgets more than living beings. The approach to men is intellectual-abstract. One is interested in people as objects, in their common properties, in the statistical rules of mass behavior, not in living individuals. All this goes together with the increasing role of bureaucratic methods.



In giant centers of production, giant cities, giant countries, men are administered as if they were things; men and their administrations are transformed into things, and they obey the law of things. But man is not meant to be a thing; he is destroyed if he becomes a thing; and before this is accomplished he becomes desperate and wants to kill all life.



Consider the role that killing plays in our amusements. The movies, the comic strips, the newspapers are full of excitement because they are full of reports of destruction, sadism, brutality. Millions of people live humdrum but comfortable existence――and nothing excites them more than to see or read of killings, whether it is murder or a fatal accident in an automobile race.  Is this not an indication of how deep this fascination with death has already become?



Briefly then, intellectualization, quantification, abstractification, bureaucratization, and reification――the very characteristics of modern industrial society, when applied to people rather than to things, are not the principles of life but those of mechanics. People living in such a system become indifferent to life and even attracted to death. They are not aware of this.



They take the thrills of excitement for the joys of life and live under the illusion that they are very much alive when they have many things to own and to use. Theu lack of protest against nuclear war, the discussions of our “atomologists” of the balance sheet of total or half-total destruction, shows how far we have already gone into the “valley of the shadow of death.”

彼らはぞくぞくするような興奮を生の喜びと思い込み、多くのモノを所有したり使ったりするとき、自分はまさに生きているという幻想を抱いて生活している。核戦争への抗議が少ないことや、われらが “原子科学者” が全壊または半壊の損得勘定について議論しているのを見ると、私たちがすでに “死の影の谷” の奥深く入り込んでいることがわかる。



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