しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「エーリッヒ・フロム : 悪について」 その4。なぜ人の心はかたくなになり、結局、人生というゲームに負けてしまうのか? “Erich Fromm: The Heart of Man : Its Genius for Good and Evil” No.4. Why does man harden his heart, and end up losing the game of life?


 When you repeatedly betray yourself, your life will fail――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Let us look at an example: A white boy of eight has a little friend, the son of a colored maid. Mother does not like him to play with a little Negro, and tells her son to stop seeing him. The child refuses; mother promises to take him to the circus if he will obey; he gives in. The step of self-betrayal and acceptance of a bribe has done something to the little boy. He feels ashamed, his sense of integrity has been injured, he has lost self-confidence. Yet nothing irreparable has happened.



Ten years later he falls in love with a girl; it is more than an infatuation; both feel a deep human bond which unites them; but the girl is from a lower class than the boy’s family. His parents resent the engagement and try to dissuade him; when he remains adamant they promise him a six months’ trip to Europe if he will only wait to formalize the engagement until his return; he accepts the offer. Consciously he believes that the trip will do him a lot of good――and, of course, that he will not love his girl less when, he returns. But it does not turn out this way. He sees many other girls, he is very popular, his vanity is satisfied, and eventually his love and his decision to marry become weaker and weaker. Before his return he writes her a letter in which he breaks off the engagement.



When was his decision made? Not, as he thinks, on the day he writes the final letter, but on the day when he accepted his parents’ offer to go to Europe. He sensed, although not consciously, that by accepting the bribe he had sold himself――and he has to deliver what he promised: the break. His behavior in Europe is not the reason for the break, but the mechanism through which he succeeds in fulfilling the promise. At this point he has betrayed himself―again, and the effects are increased self-contempt and (hidden―behind the satisfaction of new conquest, etc.) and inner weakness and lack of self-confidence. Need we follow his life any longer in detail?

彼はいつその決心をしたのだろうか。彼は最後の手紙を書いた日だと思っているが、実はそうではなく、ヨーロッパへ行けという両親の提案を承諾したときなのだ。おそらく彼は、意識はしていないにせよ、賄賂を受け取ったことで自分自身を売ったと感じていたのだ――だから約束を果たさねばならない。それが婚約破棄だ。ヨーロッパでの彼の行動は別れる理由ではなく、約束を果たすためのメカニズムである。この時点で彼はふたたび自分を裏切り、そのための自己卑下と (新たなものを得た満足などのかげに隠れているが) 内部の弱さと自信喪失とが増大した。これ以上、詳しく彼の人生をたどる必要があるだろうか?


He ends up in his father’s business, instead of studying physics, for which he has gifts; he marries the daughter of rich friends of his parents, he becomes a successful business and political leader who makes fatal decision against the voice of his own conscience because he is afraid of bucking public opinion. His history is a hardening of the heart. One moral defeat makes him more prone to suffer another defeat, until the point of no return is reached.



At eight he could have taken a stand and refused to take the bribe; he was still free. And maybe a friend, a grandfather, a teacher, hearing of his dilemma, might have helped him. At eighteen he was already less free; his further life is a process of decreasing freedom, until the point where he has lost the game of life.



Most people who have ended as unscrupulous, hardened men, even as Hitler’s or Stalin’s officials, began their lives with a chance of becoming good men. A very detailed analysis of their lives might tell us what was the degree of hardening of the heart at any given moment, and when the last chance to remain human was lost. The opposite picture exists also; the first victory makes the next one easier, until choosing the right no longer requires effort.



Our example illustrates the point that most people fail in the art of living not because they are inherently bad or so without will that they cannot live a better life; they fail because they do not wake up and see when they stand at a fork in the road and have to decide. They are not aware when life asks them a question, and when they still have alternative answers. Then with each step along the wrong road it becomes increasingly difficult for them to admit that they are on the wrong road, often only because they have to admit that they must go back to the first wrong turn, and must accept the fact that they have wasted energy and time.



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