しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「ジョーゼフ・キャンベル&ビル・モイヤーズ : 神話の力」 その4。「神」とは何か? “Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers : The Power of Myth” No.4. What is “God”?


 Joseph Campbell, who has been researching the myths around the world, gets to the essence of “God”――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Campbell : “God” is an ambiguous word in our language because it appears to refer to something that is known. But the transcendent is unknowable and unknown. God is transcendent, finally, of anything like the name “God.” God is beyond names and forms. Meister Eckhart said that the ultimate and highest leave-taking is leaving God for God, leaving your notion of God for an experience of that which transcends all notions. The mystery of life is beyond all human conception. Everything we know is within the terminology of the concepts of being and not being, many and single, true and untrue. We always think in terms of opposites. But God, the ultimate, is beyond the pairs of opposites, that is all there is to it.

キャンベル : 私たちの言語において「神 (God)」というのはあいまいな語です。何かすでに知られたものを指す語のように聞こえますからね。しかし超越者は知ることができず。だれにも知られてはいない。神は究極のところ、「神」という名前を含めて一切のものを超越している。神は名前や形を超えています。マイスター・エックハルトは、究極的で最高の別離は神のために神から別れること、あらゆる想念を超越したものを経験するために神についての想念を捨てることだ、と言っています。生命の神秘はあらゆる人間の観念を超えています。私たちが知っているあらゆるものは存在と非存在、多と一、真理と誤謬といった観念用語の範囲内にあります。私たちはいつも対立した諸観念のなかでものを考える。しかし、究極者である神はあらゆる対立観念を超越している。そうだとしか言えません。


Moyers : Why do we think in terms of opposites?

Campbell : Because we can’t think otherwise.

Moyers : That’s the nature of reality in our time.

Campbell : That’s the nature of our experience of reality.

Moyers : Man-woman, life-death, good-evil……

モイヤーズ : なぜ私たちは対立項のなかでものを考えるのでしょう。

キャンベル : それ以外には考えようがないからです。

モイヤーズ : それは、私たちの時間のなかでの真実の本性なんですね。

キャンベル : それは真実に関する私たちの経験の本性なのです。

モイヤーズ : 男と女、生と死、善と悪……


Campbell : ……I and you, this and that, true and untrue――every one of them has its opposite. But mythology suggests that beyond that duality there is a singularity over which this plays like a shadow game. “Eternity is in love with the productions of time,” says the poet Blake.

 Moyers : What does that mean, “Eternity is in love with the productions of time” ?

キャンベル : ……私とあなた、これとあれ、真実と虚偽――あらゆるものにその反対物がある。しかし神話は、二元的世界のかなたに一元的な世界があり、二元性はその上で演じているシャドー・ゲームに過ぎないということを暗示しています。「永遠は時間が生んだものを愛している」と詩人ブレイクは言ってます。

モイヤーズ : どういう意味でしょうか。「永遠は時間が生んだものを愛している」というのは。


Campbell : The source of temporal life is eternity. Eternity pours itself into the world. It is a basic mythic idea of the god who becomes many in us. In India, the god who lies in me is called the “inhabitant” of the body. To identify with that divine, immortal aspect of yourself is to identify yourself with divinity.

キャンベル : 時間内生活の源泉が永遠だということです。永遠は世界にそれ自身を注ぎ出します。それは私たちのなかで多数者となる神についての基本的な神話理念です。インドでは、私の内にある神を、肉体的に「宿る者」と呼んでいます。自分自身の内面にあるこの神聖不滅な面と一体になれば、私は神性と一体になれるのです。


Now, eternity is beyond all categories of thought. This is an important point in all of the great Oriental religions. We want to think about God. God is a thought. God is a name. God is an idea. But its reference is to something that transcends all thinking. The ultimate mystery of being is beyond all categories of thought. As Kant said, the thing in itself is no thing. It transcends thingness, it goes past anything that could be thought. The best things can’t be told because they transcend thought. The second best are misunderstood, because those are the thoughts that are supposed to refer to that which can’t be thought about. The third best are what we talk about. And myth is that field of reference to what is absolutely transcendent.



……and transcendent means to “transcend,” to go past duality. Everything in the field of time and space is dual. The incarnation appears either as male or as female, and each of us is the incarnation of God. You’re born in only aspect of your actual metaphysical duality, you might say. This is represented in the mystery religions, where an individual goes through a series of initiations opening to him out inside into a deeper and deeper depth of himself, and there comes a moment when he realizes that he is both mortal and immortal, both male and female.




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