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「ジョン・J・ミアシャイマー : リベラリズムという妄想」なぜトランプが勝ったのか? ”John J. Mearsheimer : The Great Delusion” Why did Trump win?

トランプの勝利と言うより、民主党リベラリズムの敗北と言えるのではないか。より具体的に言えば、民主党の理想的リベラリズムよりも、トランプの現実的ナショナリズム「Make America Great Again」にイエスと言った米国民のほうが多かったということではないだろうか。米大統領選の真実を解く、一冊。

Instead of saying that Trump won, you can say that Democrat’s liberalism lost. Specifically, more Americans said yes to Trump’s realistic nationalism “Make America Great Again” rather than to Democrat’s idealistic liberalism. A book to reveal the truth of the presidential election of the United States.



My basic argument is that the United States was so powerful in the aftermath of the Cold War that it could adopt a profoundly liberal foreign policy, commonly referred to as “liberal hegemony.” The aim of this ambitious strategy is to turn as many countries as possible into liberal democracies while also fostering an open international economy and building formidable international institutions. In essence, the United States has sought to remake the world in its own image. Proponents of the policy, which is widely embraced in the American foreign policy establishment, believe it will make the world more peaceful and ameliorate the dual problems of nuclear proliferation and terrorism. It will reduce human rights violations and make liberal democracies more secure against internal threats.



From the beginning, however, liberal hegemony was destined to fail, and it did. This strategy invariably leads to policies that put a country at odds with nationalism and realism, which ultimately have far more influence on international politics than liberalism does. This basic fact of life is difficult for most Americans to accept. The United States is a deeply liberal country whose foreign policy elite have an almost knee-jerk hostility toward both nationalism and realism. But this kind of thinking can only lead to trouble on the foreign policy front. American policymakers would be wise to abandon liberal hegemony and pursue a more restrained foreign policy based on realism and a proper understanding of how nationalism constrains great powers.




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リベラリズムという妄想: ジョン・J・ミアシャイマー」(経営科学出版からネット販売。アマゾンでは購入不可)





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