A profound insight into “death” by Viktor E. Frankl, the author of a historic bestseller “Man’s Search For Meaning,” ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.
But if life always has the meaning in accordance with the possibilities, if it only depends on us whether it is filled in every instant with this possible, ever changing, meaning; if it is entirely our responsibility and our decision to actualize this meaning, then we also know one thing for certain: the one thing that is certainly senseless and has absolutely no meaning is ― to throw away your life. Suicide is in no way the answer to any question; suicide is never able to solve a problem.
Perhaps someone will now object, they admit that ‘the suicide’s behavior goes against all reason; but does not life itself become meaningless in the face of death that inevitably comes to every human being in the end? Does death not make all our beginnings seem pointless from the start, since nothing endures?
Let us try to find the answer to this objection by asking the question the other way around; let us ask ourselves, ‘What if we were immortal?’ And we can give the answer: if we were immortal then we could postpone everything, but truly everything. Because it would never matter whether we did a particular thing right now, or tomorrow, or the day after, or in a year, or in ten years, or whenever. No death, no end would be looming over us, there would be no limitation of our possibilities, we would see no reason to do a particular thing right now or surrender ourselves to an experience just now ― there would be time, we would have time, an infinite amount of time.
Conversely, the fact, and only the fact, that we are mortal, that our lives are finite, that our time is restricted and our possibilities are limited, this fact is what makes it meaningful to do something, to exploit a possibility and make it become a reality, to fulfil it, to use our time and occupy it. Death gives us a compulsion to do so. Therefore, death forms the background against which our act of being becomes a responsibility.
Both (suffering and death) do not rob the existence of human beings of meaning but make it meaningful in the first place. Thus, it is precisely the uniqueness of our existence in the world, the irretrievability of our lifetime, and the irrevocability of everything with which we fill it ― or fail to fill it ― that give significance to our existence.
Certainly, our life, in terms of the biological, the physical, is transitory in nature. Nothing of it survives ― and yet how much remains! What remains of it, what will remain of us, what can outlast us, is what we have achieved during our existence that continues to have an effect, transcending us and extending beyond us.
The effectiveness of our life becomes incorporeal and in that way it resembles Radium, whose physical form is also, during the course of its ‘lifetime’ (and radioactive materials are known to have a limited lifetime) increasingly converted into radiation energy, never to return to materiality. What we ‘radiate’ into the world, the ‘waves’ that emanate from our being, that is what will remain of us when our being itself had long since passed away.
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