A profound insight into “suffering” and ”setback” by Viktor E. Frankl, the author of a historic bestseller “Man’s Search For Meaning,” ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.
In discussing the question of the meaning of life we have set up three categories of values. While the values of the first category (creative values) are actualized by doing, experiential values are realized by the passive receiving of the world (nature, art) into the ego. Attitudinal values, however, are actualized wherever the individual is faced with something unalterable, something imposed by destiny. From the manner in which a person takes these things upon himself, assimilates these difficulties into his own psyche, there flows an incalculable multitude of value-potentialities. This means that human life can be fulfilled not only in creating and enjoying but also in suffering!
人生の意味の問題を論じた際に、われわれはまったく一般的に三つの可能な価値カテゴリーを区別した。それは創造価値、体験価値および態度価値であった。創造価値は行為によって実現され、体験価値は世界 (自然・芸術) を自我の中に受動的に受け入れることによって実現される。これに対して態度価値は、変えることのできないもの、運命的なものが、まさにそのまま受け入れられねばならない場合に至るところで実現される。人間がこの運命的な事柄をいかに自らに引き受けるかというその仕方のうちに、かぎりなく豊かな価値可能性が生まれるのである。すなわち、人生は創造や喜びにおいて充たされうるだけでなく、苦悩においてすらも充たされうるのである。
Those who worship the superficial cult of success obviously will not understand such conclusions. But when we pause and consider our everyday judgements upon human existence, we see that we ascribe value and dignity to many things independently of the success or failure which may attend them.
Great artists, in particular, have understood and described this phenomenon of inner fulfillment in spite of outward failure. An example that comes readily to mind is Tolstoy’s story The Death of Ivan Ilyich. The story concerns a respectable government official that abysmal meaninglessness of whose life only draws upon him when he is faced with unexpected death.
But with insight into this meaninglessness the man grows far beyond himself in that last hours of his life; he attains an inner greatness which retroactively hallows all of his previous life―in spite of apparent futility―and makes it meaningful.
Life, that is, can receive its ultimate meaning not only as the result of death (the man who is a hero), but in the very process of death. Not only the sacrifice of one’s life can give life meaning; life can reach nobility even as it founders on the rocks.
Lack of success does not signify lack of meaning. This also becomes obvious when we look back upon our own past and consider, say, the times we have been in love. Let anyone honestly ask himself whether he would be prepared to strike his unhappy love affair, with all their self-doubt and suffering out of the record of his life. Almost certainly he would not. The fullness of suffering did not seem to him lack of fulfillment. On the contrary, the suffering matured him; he grew as a result of it; his ill-fated love gave him more than many an erotic success might have given him.
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