しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


エックハルト・トール『ニュー・アース』 : その1。スピリチュアルに関する本の決定版。Eckhart Tolle “A New Earth” : No.1. The definitive edition of the spiritual books.


The most influential book for spiritual awakening. With praise of Oprah Winfrey, a popular MC, over 5.8 million copies were sold in the United States ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.



This book’s main purpose is not to add new information or beliefs to your mind or try to convince you of anything, but to bring about a shift in consciousness, that is to say, to awaken. In that sense, this book is not “interesting.” Interesting means you can keep your distance, play around with ideas and concepts in your mind, agree or disagree.



This book is about you. It will change your state of consciousness or it will be meaningless. It can only awaken those who are ready. Not everyone is ready yet, but many are, and with each person who awakens, the momentum in the collective consciousness grows, and it becomes easier for others. If you don’t know what awakening means, read on. Only by awakening can you know the true meaning of that word.



An essential part of the awakening is the recognition of the unawakened you, the ego as it thinks, speaks, and acts, as well as the recognition of the collectively conditioned mental processes that perpetuate the unawakened state. That is why this book shows the main aspects of the ego and how they operate in the individual as well as in the collective. This is important for two related reasons.



The first is that unless you know the basic mechanics behind the workings of the ego, you won’t recognize it, and it will trick you into identifying with it again and again. This means it takes you over, an imposter pretending to be you.



The second reason is that the act of recognition itself is one of the ways in which awakening happens. When you recognize the unconsciousness in you, that which makes the recognition possible is the arising consciousness, is awakening. You cannot fight against the ego and win, just as you cannot fight against darkness. The light of consciousness is all that is necessary. You are that light.




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V. E. フランクル : その5。「苦悩」や「挫折」は人生を充たすもの? V. E. Frankl : No.5. Are “suffering” and “setback” some things that fulfill your life?


A profound insight into “suffering” and ”setback” by Viktor E. Frankl, the author of a historic bestseller “Man’s Search For Meaning,” ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.




In discussing the question of the meaning of life we have set up three categories of values. While the values of the first category (creative values) are actualized by doing, experiential values are realized by the passive receiving of the world (nature, art) into the ego. Attitudinal values, however, are actualized wherever the individual is faced with something unalterable, something imposed by destiny. From the manner in which a person takes these things upon himself, assimilates these difficulties into his own psyche, there flows an incalculable multitude of value-potentialities. This means that human life can be fulfilled not only in creating and enjoying but also in suffering!

人生の意味の問題を論じた際に、われわれはまったく一般的に三つの可能な価値カテゴリーを区別した。それは創造価値、体験価値および態度価値であった。創造価値は行為によって実現され、体験価値は世界 (自然・芸術) を自我の中に受動的に受け入れることによって実現される。これに対して態度価値は、変えることのできないもの、運命的なものが、まさにそのまま受け入れられねばならない場合に至るところで実現される。人間がこの運命的な事柄をいかに自らに引き受けるかというその仕方のうちに、かぎりなく豊かな価値可能性が生まれるのである。すなわち、人生は創造や喜びにおいて充たされうるだけでなく、苦悩においてすらも充たされうるのである。


Those who worship the superficial cult of success obviously will not understand such conclusions. But when we pause and consider our everyday judgements upon human existence, we see that we ascribe value and dignity to many things independently of the success or failure which may attend them.



Great artists, in particular, have understood and described this phenomenon of inner fulfillment in spite of outward failure. An example that comes readily to mind is Tolstoy’s story The Death of Ivan Ilyich. The story concerns a respectable government official that abysmal meaninglessness of whose life only draws upon him when he is faced with unexpected death.



But with insight into this meaninglessness the man grows far beyond himself in that last hours of his life; he attains an inner greatness which retroactively hallows all of his previous life―in spite of apparent futility―and makes it meaningful.



Life, that is, can receive its ultimate meaning not only as the result of death (the man who is a hero), but in the very process of death. Not only the sacrifice of one’s life can give life meaning; life can reach nobility even as it founders on the rocks.



Lack of success does not signify lack of meaning. This also becomes obvious when we look back upon our own past and consider, say, the times we have been in love. Let anyone honestly ask himself whether he would be prepared to strike his unhappy love affair, with all their self-doubt and suffering out of the record of his life. Almost certainly he would not. The fullness of suffering did not seem to him lack of fulfillment. On the contrary, the suffering matured him; he grew as a result of it; his ill-fated love gave him more than many an erotic success might have given him.



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V. E. フランクル : その4。そもそも「死」こそがあなたの人生を意味のあるものにしている。 V. E. Frankl : No.4. It’s ‘death” that makes your life meaningful in the first place.


A profound insight into “death” by Viktor E. Frankl, the author of a historic bestseller “Man’s Search For Meaning,” ―more to come both in English and in Japanese.




But if life always has the meaning in accordance with the possibilities, if it only depends on us whether it is filled in every instant with this possible, ever changing, meaning; if it is entirely our responsibility and our decision to actualize this meaning, then we also know one thing for certain: the one thing that is certainly senseless and has absolutely no meaning is ― to throw away your life. Suicide is in no way the answer to any question; suicide is never able to solve a problem.



Perhaps someone will now object, they admit that ‘the suicide’s behavior goes against all reason; but does not life itself become meaningless in the face of death that inevitably comes to every human being in the end? Does death not make all our beginnings seem pointless from the start, since nothing endures?



Let us try to find the answer to this objection by asking the question the other way around; let us ask ourselves, ‘What if we were immortal?’ And we can give the answer: if we were immortal then we could postpone everything, but truly everything. Because it would never matter whether we did a particular thing right now, or tomorrow, or the day after, or in a year, or in ten years, or whenever. No death, no end would be looming over us, there would be no limitation of our possibilities, we would see no reason to do a particular thing right now or surrender ourselves to an experience just now ― there would be time, we would have time, an infinite amount of time.



Conversely, the fact, and only the fact, that we are mortal, that our lives are finite, that our time is restricted and our possibilities are limited, this fact is what makes it meaningful to do something, to exploit a possibility and make it become a reality, to fulfil it, to use our time and occupy it. Death gives us a compulsion to do so. Therefore, death forms the background against which our act of being becomes a responsibility.



Both (suffering and death) do not rob the existence of human beings of meaning but make it meaningful in the first place. Thus, it is precisely the uniqueness of our existence in the world, the irretrievability of our lifetime, and the irrevocability of everything with which we fill it ― or fail to fill it ― that give significance to our existence.



Certainly, our life, in terms of the biological, the physical, is transitory in nature. Nothing of it survives ― and yet how much remains! What remains of it, what will remain of us, what can outlast us, is what we have achieved during our existence that continues to have an effect, transcending us and extending beyond us.



The effectiveness of our life becomes incorporeal and in that way it resembles Radium, whose physical form is also, during the course of its ‘lifetime’ (and radioactive materials are known to have a limited lifetime) increasingly converted into radiation energy, never to return to materiality. What we ‘radiate’ into the world, the ‘waves’ that emanate from our being, that is what will remain of us when our being itself had long since passed away.




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V. E. フランクル : その3。「この瞬間のために、これまで生きてきた」 V. E. Frankl : No.3. ‘I have lived so far for this moment.’


Victor E. Frankl, the author of a historic bestseller “Man’s Search For Meaning,” talks about the moment that you would be able to think ‘I have lived so far for this.’―more to come both in English and in Japanese.



It is not only through our actions that we can give life meaning―insofar as we can answer life’s specific questions responsibly―we can fulfil the demands of existence not only as active agents, but also as loving human beings: in our loving dedication to the beautiful, the great, the good. Should I perhaps try to explain for you with some hackneyed phrase how and why experiencing beauty can make life meaningful?



I prefer to confine myself to the following thought experiment: imagine that you are sitting in a concert hall and listening to your favorite symphony, and your favorite bars of the symphony resound in your ears, and you are so moved by the music that it sends shivers down your spine; and now imagine that it would be possible (something that is psychologically so impossible) for someone to ask you in this moment whether your life has meaning. I believe you would agree with me if I declared that in this case you would only be able to give one answer, and it would be something like: ‘It would have been worth it to have lived for this moment alone!’



Those who experience, not the arts, but nature, may have a similar response, and also those who experience another human being. Do we not know the feeling that overtakes us when we are in the presence of a particular person and, roughly translates as: the fact that this person exists in the world at all, this alone makes this world, and life in it, meaningful.




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V. E. フランクル : その2。人生を意味のあるものにする方法。 V. E. Frankl : No.2. How to make your life meaningful.


Victor E. Frankl, the author of a historic bestseller “Man’s Search For Meaning,” explains the way to make your life meaningful―more to come both in English and in Japanese.




One day, a young man sat in front of me who had just confronted me about the question of meaning or meaninglessness of life. His argument was as follows:



“It’s easy for you to talk, you have set up counselling centers, you help people, you straighten people out, but I―who am I, what am I―a tailor’s assistant. What can I do, how can I give my life meaning through my actions?”



This man had forgotten that it is never a question of where someone is in life, or which profession he is in, it is only a matter of how he occupies his circle in life and fills his place. Whether a life is fulfilled does not depend on how great one’s radius of action is, but rather only on whether the circle is fully filled out. In his particular environment in life, every single human being is irreplaceable and inimitable, and that is true for everyone. The tasks that his life imposes are only for him, and only he is required to fulfil them.



And the life of a person who has not completely filled out his (relatively) larger life circle, remains more unfulfilled than that of a person who truly meets the tasks he finds in his more closely drawn circle. In his specific environment this tailor’s assistant can achieve more, and, in the things he does and the things he leaves undone he can lead a more meaningful life than the person he envies, if that person is not aware of his greater responsibility in life and does not do justice to it.




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V. E. フランクル : その1。もしも「人生にもうなにも期待できない 」と感じたら。V. E. Frankl : No.1. If you feel ‘no longer expecting anything of life’.


Victor E. Frankl, the author of a historic bestseller “Man’s Search For Meaning,” addresses the fundamental meaning of life―more to come both in English and in Japanese.



A Copernican revolution in the question of life


I once had two world-weary people sitting opposite me―as chance would have it, at the same time―a man and a woman. Both had stated, in complete agreement, word for word, that their own lives were meaningless, that they ‘no longer expected anything of life.’ Somehow both seemed to be right.






It soon emerged, however, that, conversely, something was waiting for each of them: for the man, a scientific work that was unfinished, and for the woman, a child who was living abroad, far away and out of reach.



At this point it would be helpful, as we might say with Kant, to ‘perform a Copernican revolution’, a conceptual turn through 180 degrees, after which the question can no longer be: ‘What can I expect from life?’ but can now only be: ‘What does life expect of me?’ What task in life waiting for me?



Answer the question from life


Now we also understand how, in the final analysis, the question of the meaning of life is not asked in the right way, if asked in the way it is generally asked: it is not we who are permitted to ask about the meaning of life, it is life that asks the questions, directs questions at us―we are the ones who are questioned! We are the ones who must answer, must give answers to the constant, hourly question of life, to the essential ‘life questions.’ Living itself means nothing other than being questioned; our whole act of being is nothing more than responding to―of being responsible towards―life.






From this mental standpoint nothing can scare us anymore, no future, no apparent sense of futility. Because now the present is everything, as it holds the eternally new question of life for us. Now everything depends on what is expected of us. As to what awaits us in the future, we don’t need to know that any more than we are able to know it.




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マイスター・エックハルト。自分を「無」にして、神とひとつになる。Meister Eckhart. To make yourself “nothing” and become one with God.


The teaching of German mysticism, praised by D.T. Suzuki; leading to Zen――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



No container can hold two kinds of liquid. If it is to hold wine, we must necessarily pour out the water; it must become empty and void. If, therefore, you are to receive divine joy and God, you must necessarily pour out the creatures.




Therefore, our Lord says so remarkably, “Blessed are the poor in spirit” Poor is he who has nothing. “Poor in spirit” means: as the eye is poor and devoid of color but receptive of all colors, so he who is poor in spirit is receptive of all spirits. Now God is the Spirit of spirits. The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, and peace. To be stripped, poor, to have nothing, to be empty――this transforms nature; the void causes water to climb mountains and performs many other marvels of which we would not now speak.     




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