しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「中村元 : 比較思想から見た仏教」 その1。ブッダもイエスも”医者”だった。 “Hajime Nakamura : Buddhism in comparative light” No.1_Both the Buddha and Jesus Christ were “doctors”.


A culmination of Hajime Nakamura’s research of Buddhism that gets to the bottom of Buddhism――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



The Buddha was often compared with a doctor. According to him, human nature is sick of a disease. His own role is conceived to be that of the physician. His doctrine was presented as a therapy, a treatment or cure, for those who wanted to follow it――a method and a process of healing. He offered his advice in the practical manner or a spiritual physician; the art of Indian medicine seems to have been adopted by him into the sphere of spiritual problems.



The Buddha’s immediate and primary concern was with the condition of human and other sentient beings and what should be done about it. He diagnosed this condition in terms of dukkha, usually translated as “suffering”, a suffering which could be remedied. His parable therefore suggests that, this being the case, he regarded metaphysical discussions as distracting, not beneficial to human life, not related to the attainment of the goal, Nirvana.

ブッダにとって緊急かつ根本的な関心事は、人間や他の衆生の置かれている状況であり、それに対して何がなされるべきかということであった。ブッダはこの状況を ”苦” と診断したが、それは治療されうるものであった。こうした事情を踏まえてみると、ブッダの喩え話からは、ブッダ形而上学的議論を、心惑わすもの、人生に役立たないもの、涅槃という目的に到達するのに関係ないもの、と見なしていたことがうかがえる。


Christian teaching, more often than not, has exhibited the same practical concern which I have observed in the case of the Buddha, with Christ himself taken as the great example of such concern. For Christ, like Buddha, has conceived in his role as that of physician. When he was criticised for consorting with sinners, he replied:



“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Luke 5, 31-32).



And it may be noted that this is reported by St. Luke who was himself a doctor. The portrait of Christ in the Gospel is indeed that of a busy doctor and Christ’s teaching, like the Buddha’s, is in consequent terms. It starts from a diagnosis of human need in terms of moral and spiritual sickness and then points a remedy.





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Buddhism in Comparative Light

Buddhism in Comparative Light







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