しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness



「現代語訳 大乗起信論」。その2。大乗仏教が明かす、真実の心のあり方とは? “Translated by D.T. Suzuki: The Awakening of Faith” No.2――What is the soul as suchness revealed by Mahayana Buddhism?

私たちの「心」の真実に迫る大乗仏教――バイリンガルで、どうぞ。 Mahayana Buddhism is getting close to the truth of our “soul” ――more to come bothin English and in Japanese. What is meant by the soul as suchness, is the oneness of the totality…

「現代語訳 大乗起信論」。その1。大乗仏教の本質とは何か? “Translated by D.T. Suzuki: The Awakening of Faith” No.1――What is the essence of Mahayana Buddhism?

大乗仏教と言えば、この本。――バイリンガルで、どうぞ。 When it comes to Mahayana Buddhism, this book is the one you must read. ――more to come both in English and in Japanese. There are eight inducements to write this Discourse. A general obj…