日本に原爆を投下したアメリカが、なぜ”I’m sorry.”と言わないのか?これは、私の長年の疑問であり、不満でした。確かに、オバマ前大統領は、昨年広島を訪れて、現役大統領としてできる精一杯の誠意を示したとは思いますが、なぜ”I’m sorry.”の一言が言えな…
Michael Jackson - I'll Be There [ Video + Lyrics + Download ] I think no explanation is necessary. Just listen and cherish the lyrics. Thank you. Jackson 5- I'll Be There lyrics Ultimate Collection アーティスト: Jacksons 出版社/メーカー: M…
In Japan being 88 years old is supposed to be very blissful and entitled “Beiju”. So our family celebrated her “Beiju” yesterday. 米寿説明 in English https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1493479289 For lunch, I cooked …
Kieko, my mother, shows how to cook a soul food of Kumamoto, Hitomoji Guru Guru. Hitomoji. Kumamoto dialect, means Ko-negi that is a kind of leek. At first you boil Ko-negi and cool it down. Then twist it into Guru Guru form(see the pictur…
Today was my Lazy-Day. I cooked two plates of rice omlet for my mother,Kieko, and myself.She said,” yummy, yummy. Then my mother read some book for herself. This book is entitled “Moving Slowly makes your life change.”and is very interesti…
My mother, Kieko, has no knowledge of Feng shui. But I feel that everything she chooses makes our family happy. It’s amazing! Here are some samples. I think every mother chooses the right thing for her family naturally. That’s the way it i…
In some TV program, Korokke .a famous impersonator said this. He was born and brought up in Kumamoto. He also said that as long as this spirit is there,Kumamoto will be OK. My mother Kieko said “I wish everybody around the world had this s…
This is Kieko, my mother’s photo at the age of 12. It was taken in Manchurian where Japan once occupied. She has a checkered life and it will be a long story that I will tell you someday. Now she is 88 years old and looks very young. She n…
Kisenosato won his debut as yokozuna. And that makes my mother, Kieko, so happy. This is what she wrote as a kind of gift to Kisenosato. She is a qualified teacher of shodo or Japanese calligraphy. It reads “Heijoshin” one’s presence of mi…
『牯嶺街クーリンチェ少年殺人事件』予告 ワンカットの異常な長さ。奥行を生かした素晴らしい構図。そして、あの少年たちが走る姿の、完全にコントロールされた美しいショットの連続・・・書けば書くほど、次から次に映画を観たばかりの興奮を思い起こす映画…
『雨の日は会えない、晴れた日は君を想う』予告 手紙や、電話で、お客様からの質問や苦情に答える苦情係という職業。難題や、ときには心無い言葉に内心傷つきながらも、とにかく仕事をこなさなければならない彼女たち(多くは女性)。に絶対見てほしい映画、そ…
My father experienced a narrow escape from Death, concretely from atomic bombing in Hiroshima and he was a man of fury and had a complicated grudge over so many things.But my mother was always a woman of compassion, so they would get toget…
今年は、ニューヨーク同時多発テロから16年目。世界では、今、宗教間の対立が激しく、大勢の人が尊い命をなくし続けています。なぜ、宗教をめぐって人びとは殺し合うのか? 世界中の人々の関心事、話題は、そもそも、宗教の違いとは何か、ということなのでは…
誰もがときに怖れを持つ。孤独を怖れ、見捨てられ、歳をとり、死んでいき、病気になることなど、たくさんのことを怖れている。実は、そこには、あなたの心の奥底にいる「内なる子ども(child inside)」が大きく関係している、と禅僧ティク・ナット・ハンは…