しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「西谷啓治 : 仏教とニヒリズム」。仏教とニーチェの関係とは? “Keiji Nishitani : Buddhism and Nihilism” What is relation between Buddhism and Nietzsche?


An excerpt from “The self-overcoming of Nihilism”: the most important work of Keiji Nishitani who wrote “What is religion? “ that is read all over the world (In this weblog 2021/08/25~09/02. You can read it through the search box on the right)――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Following on Schopenhauer’s profound concern with Buddhism, Nietzsche makes constant reference to Buddhist ideas in his discussions of nihilism. He also picked up Schopenhauer’s biases and oversights, however, especially regarding the Mahayana tradition. As I mentioned earlier, he referred to the most extreme nihilism of “nothing (meaninglessness) eternally” as “the European form of Buddhism,” and dubbed the nihilistic catastrophe about to befall Europe “the second Buddhism.”

ショーペンハウエルが仏教に深い関心を寄せた後を受けて、ニーチェもそのニヒリズム論においては絶えず仏教を問題にしている。しかし恐らくショーペンハウエルの仏教観にもとづいた彼は、最後まで本当に仏教、とくに大乗仏教を理解しなかった。前にいったように、彼は、「無 (無意味なるもの) が永遠に」という最も極端なニヒリズムを、「仏教のヨーロッパ的形態」と呼び、ヨーロッパを訪れるべきニヒリズム的カタストロフを「第二の仏教」とも言っている。仏教がヨーロッパのいたるところで窃 (ひそ) かに歩を進めているとも言う。


Furthermore, based on the idea that the sincerity cultivated by Christianity reveals the falseness of Christianity itself, he called the standpoint of “everything is false” a “Buddhism of doing” (Tat), and considers such “longing for nothingness” a quasi-Buddhist characteristic. In Nietzsche’s view Buddhism is the culmination of what he calls decadence: a complete negation of life and will.

また、キリスト教に育て上げられた誠実心がキリスト教自身の虚偽を暴露させるという解釈に立って、そこから生じる「すべては虚偽だ」という立場を「行 (タート) の仏教」と呼び、その「無への憧憬」を仏教的特性とも言っている。彼はヨーロッパにおけるニヒリズムの到来を仏教の再来と見なしたのである。そういう彼の仏教観によれば、仏教は生と意志との完全なる否定ということにおいて、彼のいうデカダンスの極まるところであった。

Ironically, it was not in his nihilistic view of Buddhism but in such ideas as amor fati and the Dionysian as the overcoming of nihilism that Nietzsche came closest to Buddhism, and especially to Mahayana. For example, as mentioned earlier, he spoke of the Dionysian as “great pantheistic sharing of joy and suffering” and a “feeling of necessary unity of creation and annihilation.”



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