An English masterpiece explaining the Shinran’s final state: Naturalness. The description in terms of “love” to be understandable for Western people is eye-opening――more to come both in English and in Japanese.
Amida’s revelation is not to be sought after by our own efforts; it comes upon us by itself, or its own accord. Amida is always in us and with us, but by means of our human understanding we posit him outside us, against us, as opposing us, and exercise our intellectual power to take hold of him.
The revelation, however, would take place only when this human power has been really exhausted, has given up all its selfishness, when we have come back to our simplicity. We can only feel him as Heart of our heart and Spirit of our spirit; we can only feel him in the love and joy we feel when we give up our self and stand before him face to face.
Our abiding happiness is not in getting anything, but in giving ourselves up to what is greater than ourselves, to the infinite ideal of perfection.
All our belongings assume a weight by the ceaseless gravitation of our selfishness; we cannot easily cast them away from us. They seem to belong to our very nature, to stick to us as a second skin, and we bleed as we detach them.
“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than to a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” He who is bent upon accumulating riches is unable, with his ego continually bulging. To pass through the gate of the spiritual world which is the world of perfect harmony with the all; he is shut up within the narrow walls of his limited acquisitions. Therefore, if we want to gain freedom and happiness, we must embrace all by giving up the self.
“ラクダが針の穴を通りぬける方が、富める人が天国に入ることよりも容易なのである。” エゴをたえずふくらませて富の蓄積につとめている人は、すべてのものと完全に調和している世界であるところの霊性の世界の門をくぐることはできない。自分の獲得した有限なるものの狭い障壁の内に閉じこめられてしまうのである。それゆえ、自由と幸せを得たいと思うならば、自我を抛 (投げう) つことによってすべてを包容しなければならぬ。
If one wants to be an absolute giver, one must altogether transcend the dualism of one who gives and the other who is given. When this is accomplished, there takes place the entire shifting of positions, and one who gives is at once one who is given.
The absolute transference from ME to the NOT ME is at once the transference (parinamana:eko) from the NOT ME to ME. Here, one has entered the spiritual world―the Kingdom of Faith. The key to unlock the mysteries of this Kingdom is love, for Faith is the highest culmination of love.
私から私ならざるものへの全き転換は、とりもなおさず私ならざるものから私への転換 (パリナーマナ・回向) にほかならない。ここにおいて、人は霊性の世界―信心の王国に参入したことになる。この王国の神秘を解く鍵は愛である。というのは信心こそ愛の至高の極みであるからである。
In love all the contradictions of existence merge themselves and are lost. In love are unity and duality not at variance. Love is one and two at the same time. In love, here I am and I am not; I am in thee and thou in me. In love, loss and gain are harmonized. The lover constantly gives himself up to gain himself in love. Indeed, love is what brings together and inseparably connects both the act of abandoning and that of receiving.
Therefore, when a man loves, giving becomes a matter of joy to him, for he transcends the dualistic notion of one who gives and the other who is given. He transcends even the idea of giving. He gives and yet he gives not. For him, giving is at once being given.
Love is not a mere sentiment; it is truth; it is the joy that is at the root of all creation. It the white light of Pure Feeling that emanates from Amida (Amitabha), the Infinite Light.
愛はたんなる情感ではない。それは真理である。それは被造物すべの根底にあるところの喜びである。それはアミダ (アミターバ、無限の光) から放射される純粋感情の白光である。
So, to be at home one with this All-feeling Being, who is in the external sky, as well as in our inner heart, we must attain to that summit of consciousness, which is love. It is through the heightening of our consciousness into love, and extending it all over the world, that we can be transferred back into the Original Love, that we can attain communion with Amida, the Spirit of Joy (Sambhoga-kaya).
そこで、内なる心と同様、外なる天空の中にもいます総てを感じるこの存在と一体となって安らぐには、愛というかの意識の山頂をきわめねばならぬ。われらが根源的な愛の中に回復せしめられ、喜びの精神 (受用身) たるアミダとの内面的交わりを達成しうるのは、愛の中へわれらの意識を高揚させ、それを世界中に及ぼすことを通じてである。
Nirvana (nehan) preached by Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, is nothing else than this highest culmination of love. It is the absolute dying to the self, which is at once the absolute rebirth of the self in the Universal Self. It is the extinction of the lamp in the morning light. This is the true awakening or enlightenment. One has entered the spiritual world or the Kingdom of Faith.
仏教の開祖釈尊によって説かれたニルヴァーナ (涅槃) とは、この愛の至高のきわまりに他ならない。それは自我に完全に死にきることであり、それはとりもなおさず宇宙我の中での自己の完全なる再生である。それは朝の光の中で灯明が消滅してしまうことである。これが真のめざめ、つまりさとりである。このとき人は霊性の世界、つまり信の王国に入っているのである。
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