しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「米沢英雄 : 信とは何か」。本当の自己に目覚める。 “Hideo Yonezawa: Awaken to your true self”


A masterpiece explaining the teachings of Shinran through easy-to-understand terms――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Generally, when we speak of faith, we mean praying, worshipping, donating, and asking for favors of the gods or kami――what Shinran calls zaifukushin. Shinran condiders this to be false faith and distinguishes it from shinjin.



In the world of religion, faith is discussed extensively. But to me, the Buddha-Dharma clarifies what a what a human being truly is. Shinjin shows us what it means to be a human being.



Among the words of Dogen Zenji are the following: In order to study the way, you must lose the ego self. The study of the Buddha-Way is the study of the true self.

道元禅師の言葉の中に、『学道 (仏道を学ぶ) には須く吾我を離るべし』『仏道を習うというは、自己を習うなり』という言葉があります。


Dogen Zenji felt that man could be considered from two perspectives: the ego self and the true self. We must separate ourselves from the ego self and learn to clarify the true self.



This is the core of the Buddha-Dharma. In easy-to-understand terms, what Dogen Zenji means by ego self is the self that always wants things its way, the self that thinks that all others are there to serve it. This is the self that feels, “As long as I am okay, that’s enough.”



Most of our life has been spent awakening to the ego self. It has been a time of asserting the self and developing it. We have put effort into building and continuing this life of the ego self, but finally we have reached an impasse.



Therefore, we must change our way of defining what a human being is. Until now we have thought that the ego self was a man. However, the ego self is not the real essence of man. The true self is this essence.



If the ego self is the mind that thinks, “I want things my way” or “I’m the most important one,” then the true self is the opposite of such a mind. The mind of the true self thinks, “Another person’s sadness is my sadness,” and “Another person’s joy is my joy.”  If we did not have such a mind, then we would not be able to say that we are human beings.



Man cannot live alone. Man lives by receiving all things from the universe, like the earth, the air water, and rice. Even rice cannot be grown without the air and water, the sun and the moon. When we begin to see that we are sustained and given life by all things, we awaken to our true self. The self that is nothing but ego is also the self that is sustained by all things. As we live, we continue to awaken to the true self. This is the life of being born in the Pure Land.




My THIRD anthology has been published.

Please  order it from Amazon if you are interested in.













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