「今日、歎異抄を読んだ。もし私が10年前に仏僧・親鸞のことを知っていたら、ギリシア語やラテン語を勉強するのではなく日本語を勉強して、生涯、彼の教えを学び、そして広めていただろう。しかし遅すぎた」 : 20世紀の最も偉大な哲学者ハイデガーが絶賛した親鸞の教えとは?――バイリンガルで、どうぞ。
“Today, I read Tannisho. If I had known about the Buddhist monk Shinran a decade ago, I wouldn’t have studied Greek and Latin but Japanese so as to learn and spread the teaching of him for a life time. But it’s too late” : What is the teaching of Shinran that Martin Heidegger, one of the greatest philosophers in the 20th century, highly praised?――more to come both in English and in Japanese.
But Shinran also stresses the salvation of common men solely by grace of Amitābha Buddha. ”Take refuge in the Ultimate Strength, for His pure radiance is above all things. He who perceiveth the Light is set free from the fetters of Karma.”(San-Amidabutsu-ge). “Take refuge in the Mighty Consoler. Wheresoever His mercy shineth throughout all the worlds, men rejoice in its gladding light. (San-Amidabutsu-ge). “Without His Compassionate Vow how can we wretched beings be delivered from the fetters of birth-and-death.” (Tannisho).
ところで、親鸞もまた、われわれ凡夫がひとえに阿弥陀仏の慈悲にすがることによって救われるのであると強調する。「清浄光明ならびなし 遇斯光 (ぐしこう) のゆへなれば 一切の業繋ものぞこりぬ 畢竟依を帰命せよ」「慈光はるかにかふらしめ ひかりのいたるところには 法喜をうとぞのべたまふ 大安慰を帰命せよ」(『讃阿弥陀仏偈和讃』)、「この悲願ましまさずば、かかるあさましき罪人いかでか生死を解脱すべき」(『歎異抄』)。
In Japan, generally speaking, the Buddhist faith was professed in terms of the human nexus. Many people were converted for the beatitude of their parents, relatives or masters or feudal lords etc. But Shinran’s professed faith was genuinely individualistic.
“I, Shinran, for the sake of filial piety towards my parents, have never, ever once uttered the Nembutsu (invocation of Amida). The reason is that all sentient beings in some birth of life have been my parents or my brothers. We can save all of them when we become Buddhas in next life” (Tannisho).
Individualism in the religious sense of the word was very conspicuous in the case of Shinran. Yuien, Shinran’s disciple, presented the belief of his master as follows : “The Master (Shinran used to say, “When I carefully consider the Vow which Amida brought forth after five kalpas’ contemplation, I find that it was solely for me, Shinran alone! So how gracious is the Original Vow of Amida who resolved to save me, possessed of many karmic sins!” (Tannisho).
宗教的な意味における個人主義は、親鸞の場合に特に明白であった。彼は弟子の唯円に向かって述懐した。「弥陀の五劫思惟の願をよくよく案ずればひとへに親鸞一人 (いちにん) がためなりけり。されば、そくばくの業をもちける身にてありけるを、たすけんとおぼしめしたちける本願のかたじけなさよ」(『歎異抄』)。
It has been a conspicuous tendency among the Japanese people to esteem master-disciple relationship in a closely knit group around a master. Shinran denied it defiantly. “It is utterly unreasonable for those who are devoted solely to the Nembutsu (invocation of Amida) to quarrel, saying, “These are my disciples” or “Those are others’ disciples.” I, Shinran, do not have even one disciple of my own, The reason is, if I should lead others to utter the Nembutsu by my own efforts, I might call them my disciples. But it is truly ridiculous to call them my disciples, when they utter the Nembutsu through the working of Amida Buddha.” (Tannisho).
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