しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「ディーパック・チョプラ : 人生の本質」 その6。1日5分。悲しみや心配のエネルギーを手放す方法。“Deepak Chopra : The Book of secrets” No.6. 5 minutes a day. How to discharge the energies of sadness and anxiety.


Sadness and anxiety can be discharged more easily than you imagine――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Instead of being sad, look upon this as the energy of sadness. Like fatigue, sadness has a bodily component that can be discharged. Instead of being an anxious person, deal with the energy of anxiety. All energies are discharged in the same way.



Take a deep breath, sit quietly, and feel the sensation in your body.

Feel the sensation without judgment. Just be with it.

Let any feelings, thoughts, or energies that want to come up do so――this often means listening to the voice of anxiety, anger, fear, or woundedness. Let the voices say what they want to say. Listen and understand what is going on.

Watch the energy discharge as much as it can. Don’t demand complete discharge. Take the attitude that your body will let go of as much stored energy as it is able to.

After a few hours or the next day, repeat this whole process.







This may seem like a stiff regimen, but you are being asked to spend only 5 minutes a day on any one of these areas. Tiny steps bring big results.



The simple state of awareness is nature’s default position; suffering and the complications that keep it going are unnatural――it wastes energy to maintain all that complexity. By working toward a simpler state every day, you are doing the best anyone can do to bring suffering to an end by cutting out the roots of unreality.




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