しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「ディーパック・チョプラ : 人生の本質」 その7。「スピリチュアルに目覚め、自分自身を変えること」とは?“Deepak Chopra : The Book of secrets” No.7. What is “to be spiritual and transform yourself”?


The key to “being spiritual and transforming yourself” is how much you could be free from “duality (an idea to divide the world into two such as good and evil)”――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



Transforming yourself is like getting pregnant. Every woman who decides to get pregnant is making a personal decision and yet submitting to a tremendous force of nature. On the one hand, she exerts free will; on the other, she is caught up in inexorable events. Once she has a fertilized seed inside her womb, nature takes over; producing a child is something you do and at the same time it is something that is happening to you.



The same can be said for any other true transformation. You can make a personal decision to be spiritual, but when spirit really takes hold, you are caught up in forces far beyond yourself. It’s as if a surgeon is called into the operating room for an essential surgery and looks down to find that the patient on the table is himself.



We’ve covered the ten principles that serve as the operating system of one reality. But most people are firmly entrenched in another operating system――the system of duality. They live according to the assumption that they are separate, isolated individuals in a random cosmos where what happens “in here” is not reflected “out there.”

現実のオペレーティングシステムとして機能する十の法則について、これまで取り上げてきました。しかし、多くの人は、もう一つのオペレーティングシステム、二元性 (二つの相反するものが常に前提として存在する) システムにかたくなに固執しています。彼らは、自分たちが個別の孤立した人物として無作為の宇宙に存在して、”ここ” で起こることは ”向こう” では反映されていないという想定のもとに暮らしています。


How, then, does a person shift from one operating system to the other? Unity is totally different from duality, but you don’t have to wait for the end of this journey to live as if you are there in the next. Right now you are living as if limitation and separation must be true; therefore, you aren’t leaving room for them not to be true.

それならば、どうやって、人は、一つのオペレーティングシステムから次のシステムへ移行するのでしょうか? すべてが宇宙の一部であり、一つであるという考え方と、二元性はまったく異なります。今、二元性を信じて暮らしているけれど、もっと目覚めたら、すべては一つであるという世界に加わることができると考えるのは間違いです。制限や分離がある世界があると信じているからこそ、そこを離れられないのです。


Even so, a hidden intelligence is preserving the incredible orderliness of life while allowing change to swirl around in apparent chaos. If exposed to sunlight in a fresh spring day, a living cell would wither and turn to dust, and its DNA would blow away in the wind. But such apparent fragility has survived two billion years of constant assault from the elements.



In order to see that your own existence is protected by the same intelligence, you have to align with it first. Then a universal law reveals itself; Wholeness remains the same no matter how much it changes.



Your task is to make wholeness more real in your life. As long as you remain in the level where change is dominant, there is no possibility of truly becoming new. Duality maintains its operating system from moment to moment, and as long as you are plugged into it, that system seems real, workable, reliable, and self-validating.



The other operating system, the one based on wholeness, works far better than the system you used to. Wholeness is also real, workable, reliable, and self-validating.



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