しあわせになる英語 English for Happiness


「ディーパック・チョプラ : 人生の本質」 その5。あなたを不幸にする有毒な人間関係から解放する方法。“Deepak Chopra : The Book of secrets” No.5. How to be free from toxic relationships that make you unhappy.


In many cases, your suffering comes from toxic relationships――more to come both in English and in Japanese.



There are only three kinds of people in your life : those who leave you alone, those who help you, and those who hurt you.



People who leave you alone are dealing with your suffering as a nuisance or in convenience――they prefer to keep their distance in order to feel better themselves.



Those who help you have the strength and awareness to do more with your suffering than you are able to do by yourself.



Those who hurt you want the situation to stay the same because they do not have your well-being at heart.



Honestly count how many people in each category you have in your life. This isn’t the same as counting friends and loving family members. Assess others solely as they relate to your difficulties. Having made a realistic count, take the following attitude:



I will no longer bring my problems to anyone who want to leave me alone. It’s not good for them or me. They don’t want to help, so I will not ask them to.



I will share my problems with those who want to help me. I will not reject genuine offers of assistance out of pride, insecurity, or doubt. I will ask these people to join me in my healing and make them a bigger part of my life.



I will put a distance between myself and those who want to hurt me. I do not have to confront them, guilt-trip them, or make them the cause of my self-pity. But I cannot afford to absorb their toxic effect on me, and if that means keeping my distance, I will.




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